Dead Vintage Original

Vintage grateful dead 1977 Blues for Allah t shirt

Vintage grateful dead 1977 Blues for Allah t shirt
Vintage grateful dead 1977 Blues for Allah t shirt
Vintage grateful dead 1977 Blues for Allah t shirt
Vintage grateful dead 1977 Blues for Allah t shirt
Vintage grateful dead 1977 Blues for Allah t shirt

Vintage grateful dead 1977 Blues for Allah t shirt

While packing up my attic for a move I found a bag of t shirts I haven't seen in 40 years. If I only knew then how collectible they would be.

There are no rips or tears and just a couple of small light stains as seen in picture 3. In my opinion this t is in very good condition and fits like a small. I will be posting more t's very soon.

Vintage grateful dead 1977 Blues for Allah t shirt